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Overweight children and childood obesity are reaching epidemic proportions in the Western World, particularly in the USA where one third of all children and teens are estimated to be overweight. This article discusses the problem and what parents can do to help their children's future.

Natural health medicine can be as important for children as it is for their parents. The close contact they encounter with other children, in nurseries and kindergartens, means that minor infections, such as runny noses and colds, are easily picked up. Although sick children can quickly recover, parents are concerned that illnesses can spread to brothers and sisters.

President Bush's threat to veto a bipartisan-supported bill to expand the Children's Health Insurance Program was ignored this week by Congress, who passed the measure. Drafted over the last six months by senior members of the Senate Finance Committee, the bill is intended to cover the millions of children who will go uninsured if no action is taken when the program expires on September 30th. Eight million children in the U.S. currently lack healthcare coverage, including more than 1.3 million in Texas alone, and 7.4 million are insured under the present program. If not vetoed, the new plan would reduce the number of uninsured children by half - 4.1 million - over the next five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Every parent hopes to see their children grow into happy and healthy adults. Most parents avoid thinking about purchasing life insurance for their child because for them, the idea of something bad happening to their child is unimaginable. Unfortunately, we cannot always be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week protecting our children. Unexpected things do happen so as a parent, you have to plan for these types of events even if they never occur.

Finding affordable health insurance is no easy task unless you are employed by a business that offers a health benefits package. Unfortunately, not everyone works, or works for an employer who offers a group health insurance plan to his or her employees. If you or your spouse doesn't have affordable health insurance in San Antonio, Texas, how is your child supposed to obtain affordable child health insurance? Imagine trying to find affordable child health insurance for your child if you're having difficulty finding affordable health insurance for yourself.

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