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Mental Health

Effective mental health treatment doesn't have to mean prescription drugs and hours of therapy. There are alternative methods for dealing with things like stress, depression, memory issues and even age related issues like Alzheimer's and dementia. So why don't we hear more about them? A lack of understand on the part of many doctors keeps the public from being educated and aggressive marketing by drug companies keeps prescriptions flowing.

Dealing with our national health care crisis is essential to suicide prevention. Many can't afford mental health care, including a large percentage of homeless persons. Those who are lucky enough to have health insurance still may not be covered for mental health conditions. Newer medicines can provide better and safer results, but that isn't worth much if people can't afford to buy them. This article offers some ideas for making the most of mental health care. Hopefully, it will encourage you to get involved in making help available for everyone.

One out of every five adult Americans suffers with mental illness. Some important mental health problems that occur during old age include dementia, delirium, psychosis, schizophrenia and depression. Elders suffering with mental health problems tend to have abnormal cognitive and behavioral patterns that are often associated with decreased ability to function.

Mental health conditions are common in all nations of the world. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, about 26 percent of Americans aged over 18 years are diagnosed with a mental disorder every year. This equates to almost 60 million people. The NIMH has also found that about 6 percent of those, have been diagnosed with a serious mental condition, many of which may suffer from two or more mental conditions.

Anxiety, depression and stress are the most prominent forms of mental health disorders that are affecting people in today's society. Of course, modern medical techniques simplify the diagnosis of many conditions and consequently, there are many more cases of mental health disorders discovered today, than there were in past times. Never the less, the hustle and bustle of modern day living is exerting enormous pressure on the mental health of members of today's society.

Having a family member that is suffering a mental health disorder can be taxing at times. Depending on the severity of the disorder, many families have been broken up because of this. Some of them can be blamed on the lack of love or patience a family member can bestow. Some just cannot handle the pressure and others just cannot take the shame.

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