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According to recent medical research a healthy mouth is directly linked to your overall health, in particular the early detection of heart disease. And the research continues to mount. Heart disease, which claims an estimated 2.4 million Americans each year and 2,600 each day, is the nation's leading cause of death. The mouth and body connection has been discussed in professional circles for years, but only recently has made it into the mainstream.

According to the Council for Affordable Health Insurance, people who are uninsured pay up to four times more for medical services than those who are insured because insurance companies and medical care providers negotiate behind the scenes. The unequal result of this practice is that uninsured people are burdened with the highest hospital bills.

However, the most common health care concern that Shiba Inu breeders should be aware of is simple allergies such as flea allergy dermatitis, also known as FAD. When a dog is suffering from this health problem they will generally chew on their skin and eat away at their hair. For the majority of Shiba Inu's, this disorder can simply be treated with over the counter topical canine products. However, more serious cases require the dog to receive injections.

Few people are kind to their digestive system, often abusing them and then ignoring or covering up the signs of discomfort, stress or pain by taking medication. Digestion begins in the mouth - enzymes in your saliva mix with our food and begin to work on it, particularly on carbohydrates. Chewing increases the surface area of our food making it easier for our enzymes to do their job further down the digestive tract.

Colon cleansing is an excellent way to improve your health and lose weight naturally. It has also started becoming quite popular in recent years because it can have such a positive effect on your overall health, and there are excellent home remedies and diets which can help you lose weight quickly using colon cleansing techniques.

One of the first things that you will need to do is request a California family health insurance quote. A California family health insurance quote gives you a good idea of how much you should expect to pay for health insurance coverage for you and your family.

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