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Medical Tourism

Kerala has emerged as the major center for international medical tourism. With Kerala expecting at least 100,000 medical tourists in the next three years, the therapeutic tourism industry is in the pink of its health. Kerala was already famous for its Ayurvedic treatments, which is healing and rejuvenating.

The medical tourism industry is just now starting to catch on, and shows signs that it will become a boon for foreign travel, and may even be a solicited "main attraction" in many far away destinations, in order to get eager US citizens to their country, spending money to get medical care that they otherwise may not be able to afford here in the US. See why this phenomena is catching on as the latest trend.

Decades ago, Americans wouldn't have dreamed of the concept of surrogacy, let alone traveling thousands of miles to make it happen in another country. Today, hundreds of couples are resorting to medical tourism as the means by which to find the perfect surrogate. The medical tourism phenomenon has opened the doors for surrogacy abroad and made the world just a little smaller by bringing people from different countries together in the pursuit of expanding families.

Medical tourism is very popular throughout the world. The choices of healthcare destinations vary from patient to patient because a patient has to consider many things while choosing a destination. But some destination places are so much popular due to the quality of healthcare services, lower costs, availability of competent and experienced doctors and pleasant environment that most of the medical tourists go their for healthcare treatments.

Medical Tourism continues to grow in leaps and bounds and presently is one of the fastest growing industries globally. As medical procedures are negatively effected by rapidly increasing costs or out of control government bureaucracies, Medical Tourism continues to rise to the top of good options. Med Journeys, one of the industries leading organizations, provides complete, low-cost world-class medical treatment overseas coordinated by an experienced and knowledgeable staff with established professional relationships with the world's most respected medical facilities.

High costs in healthcare has raised alarm in all parts of the world, may it be Africa, Asia, America, or Europe people every where in the world have asked for more affordable packages in healthcare. Increasing costs has resulted in more complications and increasing mortality rates are a direct consequence. There is an ever increasing number of uninsured and under insured people.

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